Questions about Spiritual Work—141

231.01Question: If Hisaron raises me to prayer, to merge with the Creator, this is good. Let it be so until the end of correction. Or should I still see the importance of my friends gathering in the lessons rises for me that my friends?

Answer: You have to collect and lift all this yourself.

Question: In letter 24 of Rabash, there is a phrase: “And may the Creator assist us in the corporeal and the spiritual.” I understand when we say that the Creator assists us in the corporeal. What does it mean to “assist” us spiritually? What kind of hope is this?

Answer: For Him to give us the correct desire.

Question: What does it mean to cherish the relationship of man to the Creator and the Creator to man?

Answer: So that the relationship between them is direct.

Question: We get a lot of blows and raise a lot of prayers. How can we move from the quantity of prayers to a qualitative prayer? I have a feeling that it is better to get one blow, but one that gets to us.

Answer: Quality will come with time.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 6/8/24, Writings of Rabash Letter No. 22

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