Questions about Spiritual Work—140

281.02Question: Let us say I have an exciting question that I cannot find an answer to. What do I need to do: write on a piece of paper, turn to the inner teacher, or tune in to the fact that I will hear the answer through my friends, through the sources, through the lesson, through you?

Answer: We need to write and talk to our friends. Then, our inner state will change, and we will be able to understand ourselves more.

Question: How can I strengthen myself in direct connection with the Creator?

Answer: Exactly the way you want it to be. Think so, do so, say so, and ask.

Question: We have two places where we get energy from. That is an ordinary place where we live, and energy comes to us from the environment, loved ones, and even partially from the group. And there is an upper place where we turn to the Creator, do some actions through the ten, and receive energy from the Creator. Does it mean that protecting ourselves from the influence of the environment is to empty the lower part and receive energy only from our actions of bestowal?

Answer: No, keep asking, and you will see from practice how much will be distributed to your desires.

Question: Is it possible to eventually come to a state where we independently keep the restriction and decide for ourselves what not to receive, even if the Creator wants to give it us, but we live only from the action of bestowal?

Answer: Yes, this is also possible.
From the  1st part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 6/7/24, Writings of Rabash Letter No. 21

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