Questions about Spiritual Work—135

600.01Question: What kind of miracle can we ask the Creator for?

Answer: The miracle of obtaining the force of light above reason.

Question: You said that a person should give what comes to him from the Creator to everyone. Is my good intention alone enough to pass on what comes from the Creator to my friends? Or is it a prerequisite to include their desires in yourself?

Answer: The inclusion of friends is very important. This is the only way to unite in the ten.

Question: How can a person evoke the need for faith himself, so that there is a true prayer?

Answer: Ask the Creator for this.

Question: Can a person feel love for his neighbor only by being rewarded with complete faith?

Answer: No, not necessarily. Even at the very beginning, when one begins to climb the steps a little, a person can already ask for another and connect with him.

Question: How can you not enjoy bestowal? Where should this pleasure be directed?

Answer: You should not keep the pleasure of giving to yourself. At the same time, you work within your desires and see how your desires receive this energy and exist thanks to it.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 5/21/24, Writings of Rabash “Man’s Inclination”

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