Mutual Guarantee—Responsibility for the Whole World

944Question: What is mutual responsibility (Arvut)?

Answer: Mutual responsibility (Arvut) is when I am responsible for the whole world before the Creator.

Question: Can we, Bnei Baruch, be an example to humanity in our state and explain to them through our example about how we unite?

Answer: No, we cannot do that because we are not yet a group that can tell humanity, “You have to become like our group.” Although we are close to it, we are not in such a state yet.

Arvut is a state in which everyone connects by one force into one organism, and the Creator descends to us according to our desires. He settles in us, controls us, and fills us with His quality of bestowal. And we are connected in this quality of bestowal. That is a mutual guarantee. That is the ideal state of humanity.

But we are not there yet. We want to get closer to this state to set an example for humanity. As soon as we reach this state, humanity will begin to notice: “What is this? Why is this happening? How did they do it?” They will suddenly intuitively feel that in Arvut lies the salvation to all problems. But to do this, we must first achieve the quality of Arvut among us.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 2/17/20, “Preparation for the Convention”

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