Invitation to Correction by the Upper Light

944Question: Do we come to the group in order to reach common hopelessness and helplessness?

Answer: No. We come to the group to reveal the Creator within it. However, when we start working, we reveal the impossibility of connecting by our own efforts.

Similarly, humanity must convince itself at its lower level that it is incapable of reaching a normal earthly human life. Nothing works for them in family life, in raising children, technology, work, culture, or science; whatever they do, they only harm themselves. Gradually, humanity truly becomes convinced of this.

Then they are invited to correct this with the upper light, the positive energy that works within us. Kabbalah explains that this energy can only be drawn from common work on ourselves in order to reach some common denominator.

Suppose theoretically we are ready. A part of humanity, for example, Bnei Baruch, desires this. But when we start working on connection, we, like all of humanity, also feel the impossibility of it. Even if we want to yield to each other, care for each other, empathize, and suffer together, it does not work!

The Creator deliberately makes it so that we cannot correctly adjust ourselves and become masters of the world (we cannot be masters of the world because we are created beings), but He makes it so that we become disappointed in our own strength and feel the need for Him. This is when we appeal to Him, and He builds a system of correct integral connection between us called Arvut (mutual guarantee).

Only after this can we constantly work with this system of connection. Its revelation between us is called the entry into the upper world, because in that case, we begin to see the entire creation in connection among us through an organ of perception called “the group,” “the ten Sefirot.” Then we can move forward calmly, without error, while understanding what we must do.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 2/17/20, “Preparation for the Convention”

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