How to Become Righteous

959Question: Midrash Rabba (The Great Commentary) says: “A pious man, a pious woman.” What exactly is meant by the term piety?

Answer: Piety is obedience to the Creator, the aspiration to fulfill His desire, that is, His commandments.

Question: There are so many disagreements about what the Creator commands. What is His primary commandment? Can His desire be expressed in some way?

Answer: The Creator desires a husband and wife to fulfill His commandments and continually check themselves against them. The primary commandment of the Creator is to love your neighbor as yourself.

Question: It turns out that in a couple, the closest people to each other are the husband and wife. Should they start fulfilling the commandment “love your neighbor” with their relationship to each other?

Answer: In general, yes.

Question: If I learn to love my husband as myself, will it be easier for me to treat other people the same way?

Answer: You will be righteous.
From KabTV’s “Man and Women” 5/14/24

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