Hidden Spiritual Growth

546.03Question: I remember about six years ago, I had such brief states, like gifts from the Creator, when I could feel something. It is clear that now I have to achieve these states myself, but the ego has strengthened and it is already hard to get it.

Now can I now focus on the sensations of past states and take them as a guide?

Answer: No way! I have known you for years. You are on a different degree now.

The feelings that will come to you are different. The states that you went through once will seem better and higher than the current ones. But that is because you are going into states that are more internal than those.

Once, let us say you were happy, like a five-year-old child playing ball with his friends. Today, you are already fifteen years old, and this is not the same game, not the same conditions, not the ease of joy from the game. Do not mix one thing with the other, live for today.

Comment: It is difficult to refuse past states that are constantly surfacing.

My Response: It does not matter. Do not refuse, but do not cling to the past either.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 2/16/20, “Questions and Answers”

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