“Gathering Sheaves”

631.4Omer comes from the words “gathering sheaves,” which means connection.

The world is called “the six days of action and Shabbat [Sabbath],” which are seven Sefirot, and there is Hitkalelut [incorporation] of the Sefirot. Therefore, we must connect ourselves to the Creator on all the days of the years of our lives, which are seventy years, implying that each year comprises ten Sefirot. Rabash, Notes 938 “Concerning the Omer [Count]

“Gathering sheaves” means to connect with each other so as to be in one bundle. Then we will be able to feel the attitude of the Creator toward us in this bundle (sheaf).

We all desire to reach one goal, and therefore we must strive only for it so that all our desires connect together. But it is the Creator who does this because we are not able to do it ourselves.

Question: How can we connect with the Creator in such a way as to acquire the quality of a certain Sefira from this sheaf?

Answer: It depends on the soul of each of us, on the desire of each person. For example, in striving to meet the Creator I attain Him in one way, and you follow your own path and attain Him in another way. But overall, each of us attains the root of our own soul.

Question: But the qualities in this sheaf, these Sefirot, are they still common?

Answer: Each person has their own.

Question: How can I reach a certain quality from the seven Sefirot as a result of connecting our different qualities?

Answer: You should only strive for connection, and what will result from it, what will be revealed to you from your connection with the Creator, you will see for yourself.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 5/26/24, Writings of Rabash “Concerning the Omer [Count]”

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