From Physical Suffering to Suffering of Love

294.2Question: You wrote in your blog that the Coronavirus is nothing yet. There are more serious viruses in store for us, next-generation viruses that will affect our psyche, psychology, and bring chaos to the world.

Why? Won’t our work somewhat affect the positive outcome of events? Or are there things in the world that cannot be stopped in any way? We still keep moving forward, and you said that in the near future, at least one ten will break into spirituality.

Answer: If one ten breaks through—all of them will break through. This is first of all.

Secondly, we will, of course, be able to convert all future viruses into positive ones, and I am sure we will do this.

But we must understand that humanity’s development is the development of egoism. It goes on and sometimes gives positive results. However, all the positive results have run out, and there are only negative results in store for us. No matter how wonderful science or technology is, we no longer expect anything good from technological progress; humanity has finished this path.

Now it’s up to us. Therefore, Baal HaSulam writes that we are in the last generation, that is, in the generation when egoism has reached such a state that it must be corrected. That is what we are doing.

I do not think that we will be able to completely stop viruses because humanity still needs a “whip” to push them, to somehow make them aware of the insignificance of their nature and state and the need to do something.

It must be understood that suffering itself, no matter how unpleasant it may be, purifies a person. This is an undesirable path, but when it happens, it is still a cleansing. It causes one to awaken and start thinking about what he should do.

That is, suffering is useful, only it should not be physical, but the suffering of love when I have a feeling that I can achieve a connection with the Creator, but for some reason, I have not yet achieved it. Such a suffering of love is very useful. Let us try to have only this suffering.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 2/19/20, “Preparation for the Convention”

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