Find the Reality that Seems Like Fantasy

537Question: Before clearly realizing that everything I see outside of myself is in me, can I feel something as part of myself?

Answer: Maybe in a movie. In The Matrix and in other movies, perhaps they tried to somewhat portray this. I do not watch such movies, they are very primitive.

But in order to somehow hint to people what the perception of reality is, we need to come up with something. The correct perception of reality is explained in the Introduction to The Book of Zohar and by many Kabbalists in general. They wrote about this long before Einstein and other scientists because they discovered from their own experience that everything we see from the outside is actually in us, and there is no world outside.

There is nothing outside at all—everything is inside! There is no such thing as “outside of me.” I am everything! And you? And you are in me!

Comment: But often people say that all this is a fantasy.

My Response: Of course, it is a fantasy! Until we have clearly revealed it, it is a fantasy.

I am telling you about this fantasy now so you can start to grope it a bit even though you do not have any properties for it yet. But with your mind, you can push yourself toward it. Once you have even tiny buds of new properties, then you will be able to develop them using your mind and thereby accelerate your development.

If we did not have a mind and only had feelings, I would not tell anyone anything, because it would be impossible to hasten the path of development: it will come in its due time. But since we have a mind through which we can strive to comprehend this picture, draw closer to feeling it, we can direct our sensors to somehow feel it and compare various fragments; that is why I am speaking about it.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. The World as We don’t Know it” 1/12/12

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