Different Demands

243.01Question: Rabash did not want to let his friends or students read Shamati because they did not have the left line. We study that Israel is the lightest, purest aspirations and desires. So why do you say that they are the roughest and the heaviest ones?

Answer: The vessels (Kelim) that need to be corrected are determined by the amount of egoistic impurities, and therefore, they are felt as particularly selfish and in need of correction first. In others it doesn’t feel that way; it seems as though nothing serious is happening with them.

Therefore, it is evident that the people of Israel stand out in their egoism relative to other nations of the world, but only because they have different demands made on them.

If these demands were the same for both the nations of the world and the Israelites, then the people of Israel would not be the most egoistic.

So it all depends on how we approach it initially and by what standards we measure.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 5/26/24, Writings of Rabash “Concerning the Omer [Count]”

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