The First Day of Creation

746.01In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. And God divided between the light and the darkness.

This means that when the light appeared in our world, it became clear that the entire universe consists of two opposite states: light and darkness, day and night.

Light and darkness within a person are revealed in relation to one’s connection with the Creator.

A person who rises a little above himself, above his animate nature, begins to feel that there is light—the light of bestowal, connection, love, and unity. First, he feels light and darkness on himself, inside himself, where light is all good, the good states of connection between anyone, and darkness is the opposite.

The same applies to heaven and earth, where heaven symbolizes the desire to bestow and earth symbolizes the desire to receive.

All this suggests that there are two forces in the universe: the first is the force of the Creator, and the second is the force of creation. They, in essence, develop and separate a person’s thoughts. Darkness refers to his egoistic thoughts, and light refers to thoughts directed toward the Creator.

And before that, the Earth was empty and chaotic, meaning, there was no order, no separation of one from the other.
From KabTV’s “Spiritual States” 3/21/24

Related Material:
Heaven and Earth—Two Opposite Desires
About Light And Darkness
The Building Blocks Of Light And Darkness

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