Compensation in the Form of Pleasure

546.03Question: Your teacher Rabash wrote in the article “Concerning Bestowal,” that when a person serves someone important in the eyes of the whole world, he does not demand compensation for this action.

This is a unique formula or, let’s say, ability of a person. Only a human being is capable of such an action where he can do something for the sake of some great thing and not demand compensation for it because the action itself is already compensation. The same of course applies to the Creator.

But how can this be? After all, we are egoists. Where does this ability come from?

Answer: The fact is that when you are dealing with someone higher than you, the very fact that you are associated with such a person gives you a reason to feel fulfilled. We see this in many cases in life.

Question: But still, a person is an egoist. Why shouldn’t he also receive an additional reward beside the fact that he receives pleasure?

Answer: No, if a person demands, requests, or simply receives some money or other reward for his special attitude toward another that will elevate him above others, then in this case it will all come at his own expense.

There must be one payment: either he receives money or compensation in the form that the very action for the sake of a great person gives him pleasure.
From KabTV’s “Practical Kabbalah” 3/28/24

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