Concessions Are the Most Important Thing in the Family

600.02Yielding is not regarded as love in wholeness, for the one who yields always waits for when he will regain the power of control (Rabash, Article 240, “Discernments in States”).

Question: On one hand I yield more to my husband. On the other hand, thoughts come to me that there will come a time when I can retaliate for giving in and I will begin to dominate. How can I reach a state where I do not wait for the moment when I have the power to dominate?

Answer: The power to dominate can manifest in opposite actions for both parties. Therefore, there is no need to strive to mirror each other in the sense of “as much as you are, so am I,” and be sure to put them in the same form in a “common box.”

The most important thing is always to yield. Who yields to whom is irrelevant. For example, if a wife takes a step toward her husband, he will feel ashamed of himself. Or conversely, he will feel proud that she treats him this way.

The main thing is to respect each other and strive to always leave a pleasant impression on each other.

Question: What if I feel like I am disrespecting my husband?

Answer: Then you should replace it with love, as it is said: love covers all crimes. You must show love otherwise nothing will work out.

Is it difficult? In my opinion, it is the easiest thing to do.

Comment: Sometimes it is difficult. I understand that I offend and humiliate my husband and treat him improperly, but I cannot stop.

My Response: Then kiss him. In such cases, it helps best.

Question: Will that stop me?

Answer: Absolutely! Kiss each other more and calm each other down. Get closer to each other!
From KabTV’s “Man and Woman” 3/19/24

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