Walk in the Middle

627.2Currently, we are in a state where we need to think about what forces our development is based on and whether we can replace bad, painful forces with those that are better and more comfortable so we can quickly come to our correction.

Comment: The fact is that when you get hit, you become softer, and you try to do good things in life. But as soon as these sufferings subside, you forget about everything.

Therefore, we can conclude that there should still be two paths together: the path of Torah and the path of suffering.

My Response: Yes, only the path of the Torah is impossible. We are such selfish creatures that we still need to “get hit on the head.”

Question: But is it impossible also only to receive?

Answer: Yes, you will not educate a person in this way. Therefore, we need to learn how to walk in the middle.
From KabTV’s “Spiritual states” 3/14/24

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