Why Develop Trepidation in Ourselves?

276.02Question: If you understand that there is fear of the Creator, but there is no trembling, what can turn this animal fear into trepidation of not bringing contentment to the Creator?

Answer: Awe, fear that I cannot bestow everything to the Creator, that I am not so connected with my friends to connect also with the Creator, this is what we must check and develop.

Question: If you feel that connection with the friends seems sufficient, would everything work automatically?

Answer: This happens on purpose so that you develop even more trepidation and fear that you will not have the right attitude toward your friends and the Creator.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 2/11/24, Writings of Baal HaSulam “Joy with Trembling”

Related Material:
In Search of Connection with the Creator
Before Whom to Tremble?
From Fear to Trembling

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