When Intention Matches Action

294.3Question: How can I check the correctness of my intention?

Answer: Usually, this check occurs when we perform an action, add an intention to it, and see from the result that the intention coincides with the action. For this, we deserve a blessing.

Question: If there is a result at the end, then the intention is correct. But how can we avoid deceiving ourselves in the process of acting?

Answer: There is no way to do that. You must complete the entire action, and only after its completion, see the result and understand whether you have fulfilled the commandment or not.

Commandment (Mitzvah) comes from the word “instruction” (Tzivui), which means an instruction from the Creator.

Question: What internal checks can we use to ensure that the actions of keeping the commandments are not superficial but contribute to spiritual growth?

Answer: This is clear from what we are studying. Everything that concerns coming closer to the friends, connecting, and turning to the Creator are positive and necessary actions. Everything else, as a rule, are negative actions.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 2/16/24, Writings of Baal HaSulam “And You Shall Keep Your Souls”

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The Role of Intention in the Work for the Creator
Intention Is Action
The Main Thing Is Intention

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