How to Expand the Vessel of Bestowal?

934Question: You say the upper light affects us and expands our Kelim, vessels.

But my vessels are in my friends, so it turns out that I can only ask for mutual inclusion through self-nullification. Is this how one can think of expanding the vessels?

Answer: Think in whatever way is more convenient for you, and the Creator will arrange everything. The upper light performs thousands of actions every moment, so focus not on how it is done, but on the fact that you want to attract the light.

Question: What does the ten gain from praying for other tens, all of Bnei Baruch, and the whole world? Is this the formation of vessels of bestowal?

Answer: Yes, this expands the vessels of bestowal. Through praying for everyone, you primarily help yourself.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 2/13/24, Writings of Baal HaSulam “Rewarded—I Will Hasten It”

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