What Is the Difference between Fear and Trembling?

962.3Question: Fear comes to us as a result of the Creator’s distance or nearing. How can we develop trembling due to the lack of connection with the Creator?

Answer: Think about it more than you do now and try to get closer to your friends. Be sure that the Creator specifically gives you such states so that, despite them, you still feel yourself moving toward the Creator.

Question: What is the difference in the work of building a Kli out of fear or out of trembling?

Answer: Trembling is more worrying, and fear is much worse than trembling.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 2/23/24, Writings of Baal HaSulam “Concerning Fear that Sometimes Comes Upon a Person”

Related Material:
Fear And Trembling
From Fear to Trembling
The Roots Of Fear

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