The Richness of the Spiritual World

962.3Comment: You are a purely technical person, but when one talks to you, you explain everything in some other scale with images through the language of feelings. You paint such a rich inner Kabbalistic world that our world seems childish in comparison.

My Response: This is because our world is a very simplified, one-sided model of the outside world.

Imagine that instead of the global use of electricity that exists in the world (electronics, electrical circuits, power plants, etc.), you were shown one light bulb. And it represents all the electricity in the world for you, everything that works based on the movement of electrons. That is what our world looks like compared to the spiritual world.

Question: How does egoism build such rich and reliable images, and do you say that the inner world is much richer and more important?

Answer: What images does egoism create? Very small ones, which you can just enjoy a little or from which, if you are frightened, you push away. Nothing else.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. The Wealth of the Inner World of a Kabbalist “ 1/10/12

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