Transfer Life to Holiness

947Question: What is the correct way to transfer all of one’s life to holiness?

Answer: You can transform your life into holiness only by constantly thinking about becoming closer with one another in order to come together in one single desire.

You have to constantly check what your unity means. Is it good or are some corrections and more closeness necessary? Then you need to raise these still uncorrected properties to correction.

Question: When we unite between ourselves, it works. But when we enter the outside world, we are torn apart. How can we keep this inner part within us?

Answer: You should try. You should ask the Creator. The most important thing is to pray so He would hold us together. After all, it is His work, it is His obligation. He is waiting for this and ready to do this.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 2/27/24, Writings of Baal HaSulam “A Thought Is Regarded as Nourishment”

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