The Names of the Creator—Attainment of His Properties

610.2He is called El, Elokim, Shadai, Tzvaot, EKYEH, so they would know Him in each and every attribute (Baal HaSulam, Foreword to The Book of Zohar, #40).

Question: The names of the Creator correspond to the ten Sefirot. Is it their filling or their naming?

Answer: These are ten Sefirot with light in them.

The name of the Creator consists of the Kli and the light that fills it. Kabbalists express their achievements in almost identical names. These names make it easier to indicate what you are suggesting. Just like in our world, if you talk about someone or something, you express some particular perception of this object, nothing more.

Question: What does it mean that the Kli of the ten takes such a form that it can accept the light or the name of the Creator, for example, El, Adni, or Eki?

Answer: It all depends on the level at which a person unites all the concepts of his relationship with the Creator. In what he is similar to the Creator, he senses this measure of similarity in himself, measures it, and thus names the Creator.

Just like in our world, you say some person is smart and has some kind of feature. That is, you call it that through your perception of its properties.

Question: Concerning the Creator, can I measure and verify this?

Answer: By comprehending the Creator, you measure your likeness to Him. And everyone who reveals Him on the same level calls Him the same way.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 2/21/24, Writings of Baal HaSulam “Foreword to The Book of Zohar

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