The Creator Connects with the Child through You

627.2Question: One mother asked an old sage when it is best to start raising her daughter. “How old is she?” the teacher asked. “Five,” the woman replied. “Five years old?! Hurry home, you’re already five years late.”

At what age should you start raising a child?

Answer: In general, the feeling should be there from the first day of birth, and even before that. This is mentioned in many places, it is not that I am so smart. So parents should understand that a child is like an adult. They just react a bit differently. Basically, you’re talking to an adult, even an old person.

Question: So, you’re instilling wisdom in the child?

Answer: Absolutely!

Question: What do you invest in the word “upbringing”?

Answer: Upbringing is primarily your personal example.

Question: You said, “From the first day of birth.” What does the child see? What does the child feel? What example can there be?

Answer: It is not about that. It is about how you react to the child; the Creator reacts to them.

Question: So, the Creator reacts to the child through you? If I live with this thought, is it called “upbringing”?

Answer: Yes. You are opening channels of communication between the child and the Creator.

Question: Through me, the Creator connects with the child, and I should introduce the Creator to the child?

Answer: Yes. You are introducing them to each other so to speak.

Question: When you said, “Upbringing even before birth,” should this thought come to parents before birth?

Answer: In general, yes. We have talked about this many times.

Question: We’ve talked about it, but we have a million questions after that. It is not just interesting to people, it is vitally important to them.

After such upbringing, as an example of warmth and kindness, how does the child go out into this cold world, after being brought up like this?

Answer: If they perceive the world correctly, they won’t have any problems. He will feel the world is multifaceted. So, at least, he, his parents, home, and others, he will properly link all of this together.

Question: Does this mean that parents have managed to bring the Creator to the child?

Answer: Yes
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 12/28/23

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