Questions about Spiritual Work—91

290Question: When you reveal the evil in yourself or a friend, how can you use these moments to advance in the ten?

Answer: When evil manifests itself in each of us, we must all try to accept this evil as common and rise above it. In this way, we will accelerate our progress.

Question: If a person overcomes hatred and climbs Mount Sinai, it means he has learned to love. Is it hard work to learn to love?

Answer: In general, yes it is hard work.

Question: How can we develop such a desire for the Creator that the need for the greatness of the Creator is felt as the need for breathing and that only this revives us and gives life?

Answer: Think about it, then your thoughts will turn into prayer and force the Creator to help you.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 3/3/24, Writings of Baal HaSulam “The Torah, the Creator, and Israel Are One”

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