I Am Not in Favor of Suffering

95It matters not how strait the gate,
How charged with punishments the scroll,
I am the master of my fate
I am the captain of my soul.
(William Ernst Henley, Invictus)

Question: This poet’s life and destiny were very hard! At the age of 12, he developed tuberculosis of the bone, and his leg had to be amputated, and later, they had to amputate the other one. He was always sick. But at the same time, he was always a fighter. It is said that Robert Louis Stevenson made the pirate Long John Silver in Treasure Island in his image. That is how he was.

Why does this desire to fight fate, to fight the Creator, live in us and lead us through life?

Answer: Yes, there are such special souls, such special people. What can you do? We must try to fight. And we see from historical examples it still gives some results. But it depends on the person and on how he develops.

Question: Is it the character one is born with? Is it already embedded in him?

Answer: Yes.

Question: Why do we so admire such a struggle?

Answer: I would not say I admire it, but I am impressed that there are people born with such set functions and such set qualities.

Question: Are we talking about a struggle with fate and with God?

Answer: Yes, with fate.

Question: But he does not agree with his fate, he fights it. Brumel and Vlasov were like that. After terrible illnesses, they got back on their feet. On their own. This is called “You make yourself.” Is it admirable?

Answer: Yes.

Question: When the Creator tests one’s resolve, what does He want from us? What is this done for?

Answer: All this is added to the piggy bank of the common soul of all mankind, and such people contribute a lot to humanity with their fate.

Question: What do they make humanity understand?

Answer: They bring humanity closer to the Creator.

Question: Despite the fact they are like…

Answer: It does not matter what they feel about it. I am not saying they are some kind of saints. They simply raise the level of man higher toward the Creator.

But I am not in favor of suffering. There are many similar examples where people choose suffering and believe this is how they rise. This is not true.

Question: Then the natural question in this and other cases is how not to suffer?

Answer: If you clearly understand, and you have such conditions when your suffering makes it easier for someone to correct, move forward, then yes. But if it is only in your fantasies…

Question: Now you have raised the bar. You said, “If my suffering makes someone’s life, fate, or soul easier”; you didn’t say “my,” but “someone’s.”

Answer: For others, of course.

Question: That is high! That is, if they are an example for someone, and are doing this for the sake of such an example, to show an example, of what can you try?

That is, if they are an example for someone, and I do this for the sake of such an example, to show an example, what is possible, try?

Answer: Yes.

Question: This is exalted! You keep talking about annulling before fate, before the Creator’s decision. When you say that, what do you mean?

Answer: I mean, I am consciously agreeing with what I see before me.

Question: Even with your illnesses and so on?

Answer: Of course.

Question: Meaning, it comes from You, and it is necessary for me. Like this?

Answer: Yes.

Question: What happens to my pain, to my suffering?

Answer: When we agree with this, it creates peace within us. A person agrees with his fate, with the Creator, he agrees to accept everything coming to him according to his fate.

Question: Is it like an anesthetic?

Answer: Yes.

Question: Is this what you call “annulment”?

Answer: Right.

Question: And must we come to this?

Answer: I believe so, yes.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 12/11/23

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