From Impurity to Holiness

514.02Question: What are the signs of a person who feels impurity, and how can this be corrected to reach a connection?

Answer: If you want to receive for yourself rather than for the sake of the Creator or the friends, this is called a state of impurity (Klipa).

It is possible to correct the Klipa into a state of holiness (Kedusha) only with the help of the upper light. A person must raise his or her prayer to the Creator and ask to be transitioned from the degree where one feels the control of the desire to receive to the degree of the desire to bestow, to become similar to the Creator.

Only through prayer can we correct ourselves and come closer to the Creator and His revelation.

Question: Baal HaSulam writes that everything is already arranged, and all the worlds are ready to receive us, but a person holds on to their egoism and does not let go. What can we add here?

Answer: We must grasp that person and lift him or her above their state. Then, he will feel where he is and where we are pulling him. That is what we must do.
From the 1st part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 3/13/24, Writings of Baal HaSulam “Introduction to The Book of Zohar”

Related Material:
Separate Purity from Impurity
In a System of Impure Forces
How Can You Protect Yourself from Klipot?

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