In Faith above Reason

232.05Question: How is reception in order to bestow connected with faith above reason and within reason?

Answer: Basically these are very close actions.

Question: And yet, do we receive in order to bestow within reason or above reason?

Answer: Above reason. That is, our intention is for the sake of bestowal, and the action is reception. It turns out that the action is the opposite of itself.

Question: Do we also need to rise above the reason acquired for the sake of bestowal in order to reveal a new level of reason? Or is this the final action?

Answer: No, it is not final; these are degrees. Such work takes place at each degree. That is, the reason that we acquire for the sake of bestowal becomes insufficient at some point. It is correct, but insufficient.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 1/3/24, Writings of Baal HaSulam “Receiving in order to Bestow”

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