In Accordance with the Laws of the Spiritual World

938.05Spiritual advancement lies in closer connection between friends, in turning to the Creator, and in revealing the Creator from a common point of unity. This state indicates that you are together with the Creator.

In this case, you can raise the point of unity to the level of permanent unification. There is nothing complicated about this, it is as easy as one, two, three. The only problem is that you do not want to listen to it and hear it.

Question: How can I turn to the Creator from the point of connection if I am an inveterate egoist and do not feel anyone except myself?

Answer: Try to turn to the Creator as a representative of your group, and this is how you will advance. Each one turns to the Creator on behalf of the ten, asks, and demands that the Creator move you forward.

Question: So when I try to formulate this request, I immediately imagine my friends, the ten, and I think from the state of connection?

Answer: You feel them all together, and from this common feeling you turn to the Creator.

Question: But if everything is predetermined from above, as Kabbalists say, then my friends’ destructive habits also come from the Creator. Can studying Kabbalah correct them?

Answer: We can correct anything we want if only we act in accordance with the laws of the spiritual world.
From the 1st part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 12/29/23, Writings of Rabash “What Is, “Praise the Lord, All Nations,” in the Work?”

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