If You Are Not Wicked, Why Do You Need the Creator?

49.01Question: Alexey asks: “Explain how I, such an imperfect, wicked person, can adhere with God? How?”

Answer: God is waiting for those who are imperfect and wicked, but still want to adhere to Him.

Question: Does it mean that Alexey has already made the first step?

Answer: Yes.

Question: Do we need to feel that “I am imperfect and wicked”?

Answer: Yes, then you should aim to the Creator and see that He is waiting for you.

Question: What if I do not feel that I am imperfect and sinful? What if I do not feel it?

Answer: Then why do you need the Creator?
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 11/23/23

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