Where Should You Focus Your Energy in Israel

269Question: War is always some kind of energy accumulator which subsequently enhances the development of the country and changes its course. The problems that before the war were considered unsolvable can be solved because there is energy and strength for this. What do you think this energy could be used for in the future?

Answer: Only for the development of society in the State of Israel. We really miss this! We have some fairly developed individuals, but society itself is in some kind of stupor.

Question: To what goal and by what means should the development of society be directed? Can you just imagine and draw a picture of what it might be like in Israel?

Answer: The way I would imagine it is that there is an external force that could influence Israeli society to such an extent that it would feel an immediate need to solve the problem of the purpose of` its existence. If society were puzzled by this topic, I think it would be able to solve this mystery.

Question: So, this is a mystery?

Answer: Yes, because we can tell ourselves whatever we want, but we still do not realize it, do not understand it.

I believe that a strong internal breakthrough is needed here where each of us, the society, and the state must feel such pressure from above that will not allow us to do whatever we want and think that in the end everything will be fine.

Israeli society is like a young man who grew up spoiled and simply does not think about his future, and believes that everything will be okay. This may end very tragically.
From KabTV’s “Kabbalah Express” 11/27/23

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