What Was Commanded to Us

566.02To reveal the Creator, it is necessary to fulfill the commandment “Love your neighbor” because thus we coincide with Him in properties.

And when the Creator reveals himself to a person, he can directly fulfill all 613 commandments on a spiritual level. These are the laws of communication because we cannot be in touch with the Creator if we do not feel Him.

Nevertheless, in our world, as a consequence of root and branch, there are also some specific actions that sometimes we can perform and sometimes not depending on the historical period.

Question: Why is it that what we must do is called a commandment and not an action?

Answer: Because these actions were commanded to us. Kabbalists who feel the upper world (the world of forces and influences on us) combine these forces into one common whole, into one system, and call it a commandment. And “It is commanded” because we, as people, must fulfill 613 commandments.

These are the laws of a higher nature.
From KabTV’s “Spiritual States” 11/21/23

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The Basis Of “Love Thy Friend As Thyself”
Love As The Law Of Nature
Love: A Bridge Above Hatred

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