What I Would Ask the Creator

79.01Question: One day, a woman had a dream that there was the Creator behind the counter of the store. “What can I buy from you?” The woman asked. “You can buy everything from me,” the Creator replied. “Then give me health, happiness, love, success, and a lot of money.”

God went into the back room and returned with a small paper box. “Is that all?” the woman exclaimed. “Yes,” God replied, “didn’t you know that my store sells only seeds?”

So, we have everything we need to grow? Seeds are given to us. The main question is: how can we understand this and how can we grow them? Watering, caring for, and so on?

Answer: This is the meaning of life. It is not easy to understand what the Creator requires of you and how you should behave every moment.

Question: Is this “growing seeds”? To understand what He wants from me and how I should behave?

Answer: Yes.

Question: But this initial one, that I do not need anything around, that everything is in me, how can I come to this?

Answer: You just have to believe in it. Everything is built into me; I just have to try to put myself in the right environment.

Question: Is it called “like seeds in the soil”?

Answer: Yes, and then everything that is necessary will sprout in me.

Question: What do I water these seeds with?

Answer: With your sweat.

Question: So my efforts and in general everything that I go through is what I water these seeds with?

Answer: Yes, and they will germinate.

Question: What would you ask the Creator if, say, He was standing in front of you?

Answer: In principle, the maximum wisdom is to agree with Him in everything. Cancel yourself completely before Him so that no thoughts and feelings arise in addition to what I get from Him.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 11/13/23

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