How Can We Attract the Force of the Creator

935Question: What do we lack to attract the force of the Creator?

Answer: You only need to open your hearts in the ten, connect them into one big heart, and turn to the Creator so that He fills it.

Question: Supposedly, a small child throwing a fit in a store understands what toy he wants. But we do not know what connection we demand from the Creator.

Answer: That is why Kabbalah is called a concealed wisdom

Question: Should we ask for this feeling to appear to us?

Answer: It will not appear clearly anyway; it will be somehow concealed because the main thing for you is the connection with your friends and not what you receive in it.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 12/6/23, Writings of Baal HaSulam “Concerning the Revealed and the Concealed“

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