A War against Common Egoism

931.01Question: A person fights with his ego for connection with the friends. I just do not understand why I should pause here, and what happens at this pause. Will I fall if I pause?

Answer: No, at this pause neither retreat nor cessation of military activities take place.

You simply begin to better understand where you are, who you are fighting with, and why. This is a forced pause to reassess your strengths and goals. This is Hanukkah.

You must realize that with the understanding that you are now gaining, you again need to connect with the Creator and with all your friends in one single desire for love, bestowal, and mutual assistance, and with this go to war against our common egoism.

Question: What if you do not fight the war, but pray constantly?

Answer: This is, in fact, conducting the war, because we choose between two forces of nature: egoistic and altruistic. Any fight occurs only in our desires, intentions, and internal and spiritual actions.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 12/13/23, Writings of Rabash “Greeks Have Gathered Around Me”

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