Together Toward the Goal

41.01Question: We listen to the lessons, work in the ten, and participate in dissemination, but there are moments when egoism traps you and says: “Take a rest—you have worked a little and that is enough.”

How can you refuse to follow the lead of the ego at this moment? After all, you need to strengthen yourself, and it pulls you back. Can you advise us what to do?

Answer: Look at each other, and you will see how to work.

I am looking at you, at men and women who are all on my one screen, and I see and feel how each one of you, to a different extent, of course, strives to be closer to the Creator. And all this is achieved by rapprochement with the friends.

In this way, we move together toward the goal of creation, and by connecting closer and closer we achieve one heart, one opinion, one desire, and inner unity. This is the end of our correction.

A person in this world needs nothing more. Nothing. One must carry out worldly affairs only to the extent that one’s body requires in order to exist, and direct everything else only toward getting closer to everyone in the soul, and then, in this common soul—to the Creator.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 10/30/23, “One’s Future Depends and Is Tied to Gratitude for the Past”

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The Role of Intention in the Work for the Creator
The Beginning of Spiritual Work
One Common Heart Directed to the Creator

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