In Search for Truth

232.05This is similar to what is written in the “Introduction to Panim Masbirot” (Item 16): We should thoroughly know the two types of scrutiny applied in us: The first scrutiny is called “scrutinies of good and bad,” and the second scrutiny is called “scrutinies of true and false.”

The first scrutiny is a physical active force, which works through the sensation of bitter and sweet. It loathes and rejects the form of bitterness because it feels bad, and loves and attracts the form of sweetness because it feels good.

In addition to them there is the human species, in whom the Creator has imprinted an intellectual active power, which works in the second scrutiny: rejecting falsehood and vanity by loathing to the point of nausea, and attracts true matters and any benefit with great love. This scrutiny is called “the scrutiny of true and false.” This applies only to the human species, each according to his own extent.

Know that this second active force was created and came to man because of the serpent. By creation, he had only the first active force from the scrutinies of good and bad, which was enough to serve him at that time (Rabash, “What Is a Great or a Small Sin in the Work?”).

Question: How does our egoism help us recognize them every time?

Answer: Egoism shows us where we are and where we want to go. We fall from this level and find ourselves in egoism. Thus, we get two marks: the highest and the lowest. Thus, we can already navigate how to ascend through bestowal and how to descend through reception.

In order to use egoism as a springboard for determining truth and lies and to continue to follow the Creator and not the ego, you unite your egoisms in the ten and rise above the common ego.
From the 1st part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 11/1/23, Writings of Rabash “What Is a Great or a Small Sin in the Work?”

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