How Can We Sum Up Spiritual Advancement?

88Rather, they should calculate how many corrections they must do in order to have ransom for their souls to the Creator, meaning that they will not look at the deficiencies, but at the correction of the deficiencies, by which their soul, which was in the Klipot, will emerge from them and cling to the Creator (Rabash, Article No. 18, 1989. What Is, “There Is No Blessing in That Which Is Counted,” in the Work?).

Question: Is it necessary to make calculations from the states of our path?

Answer: How will we know what we are asking for otherwise?

Question: But we have never summed up in the ten how well we are advancing. What are we missing?

Answer: A person should feel himself where he is, where he is being pulled, and in which direction he is moving.

Question: Before I do this kind of work, I have to adjust myself correctly. The article says that the blessing should be before and after. How can we bless in order to perform this calculation correctly?

Answer: It means that you bless the Creator for allowing you to see your uncorrected desires, and then you bless Him for correcting them.
From the 1st part of the Daily Kabbalah lesson 10/29/23, Writings of Rabash ‘What Is, “There Is No Blessing in That Which Is Counted,” in the Work?’

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