The Difference between Spiritual and Corporeal Construction

557This is similar to a person who has the power to build a whole country, and he builds only a shack that is ruined by a strong wind. You find that all the efforts were wasted. However, if one remains in Kedusha [holiness], then all the efforts remain in eternity (Baal HaSulam, Shamati 30 “The Most Important Is to Want Only to Bestow“).

Question: Sometimes I have a feeling that I was given great opportunities, but I managed to build just a shack. What should I pay attention to if this state constantly haunts me?

Answer: When you stop thinking about yourself, then you, as they say, give up the shack, and you can build whatever you want. You will have time and materials for everything, anything you want. The main thing is not to think about yourself.

Question: Does it mean that because I want to build for myself, it turns out to be a shack?

Answer: Yes, of course. This is the difference between spiritual construction and corporeal construction.

Question: What if I feel that I do not have the strength to build for others?

Answer: Then, at least you know the truth.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 10/27/23, Writings of Baal HaSulam “The Most Important Is to Want Only to Bestow“

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