Questions about Spiritual Work—26

281.02Question: Should the group develop anticipation of pleasure about future degrees and refresh memories of good states that were in the past?

Answer: Yes, absolutely. This supports a person on the spiritual path.

Question: What is the life force, and how do we receive it from time? After all, there is no time in spirituality.

Answer: To the extent that you want to rise above your nature of reception and yearn to be in nature of bestowal, you begin to come closer to spirituality, you receive new forces, and you discover the source of these forces—the Creator.

Question: What is the life-giving force of holiness? Does it exist within us now?

Answer: The life–giving force is the force that holds you and gives you the strength to learn, hear, come to lessons, interact with friends, and so on. Of course, you have it within you. If this force did not exist, you would be completely exhausted.

Question: How can you convince the body that it is obliged to receive life force from spirituality?

Answer: Constantly tell it about it.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 11/08/23, Writings of Baal HaSulam “Concerning the Vitality of Kedusha”

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