Everything Comes from the Creator to Correct

49.01Question: When a person comes into contact with Kabbalah a little and sees it as hard work, he begins to use it to justify himself, not the Creator, friends, or the whole world. Can we say this is how the world’s nations learn to serve their king and pray to idols?

Answer: No, this is incorrect. If the science of Kabbalah is hard for a person, this does not mean he can use it as it suits him.

Comment: Let us say I find out that everything is from the Creator and stop making efforts in something. In a way, I am relieving myself of responsibility by saying everything is from Him.

My Response: No. You are not finishing the second part of the sentence. Everything from the Creator is what is given into your hands to correct.

Comment: When the work feels difficult, they tend not to finish the second part of the sentence.

My Response: But what can you do? If you run away midway, you will not get to the end.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 11/7/23, Writings of Baal HaSulam “A Handmaid Who Is Heir to Her Mistress“

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