How to Get Out Of the Strife with the Creator

549.02Question: In the article “Man Is Rewarded with Righteousness and Peace through the Torah,” Rabash writes that a person is in strife with the Creator. How can we avoid this?

Answer: We are initially in strife with the Creator because we are opposite to Him in properties.

Question: What are the right actions to get out of this strife?

Answer: For this purpose, we are given strife and we are given the Torah so that we correct ourselves from being opposite of the Creator to equivalence with Him. Then we will understand who the Creator is, who we are, and how we reach equivalence with Him.

Question: Is faith in the sages inherent in us or do we acquire it?

Answer: Faith in the sages is not inherent in us. We must gradually acquire it.
From the 1st part of the Daily Kabbalah lesson 10/27/23, Writings of Rabash “Man Is Rewarded with Righteousness and Peace through the Torah“

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