How Can You Get a Taste of Reality?

276.02Question: Baal HaSulam’s article “What Is ‘A Habit Becomes a Second Nature,’ in the Work?” says that because of this rule, we feel a taste of reality.

But when something becomes a habit, we just stop feeling the taste and are looking for something new. What does the taste of reality mean, and how do we even understand that this is reality and not our fantasies?

Answer: We have no way of understanding what is reality and what is not. We are not able to feel it. We perceive what the Creator gives us, so this is our reality.

Question: The article says that when two objects have the same feeling of reality, they are in adhesion. At the same time, it says here that the reality of the Creator is unattainable. How can we come to adhesion?

Answer: We do not know that. I act according to how I perceive others, including the Creator. That is all. We cannot check whether our feelings are true or not.
From the 1st part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 11/10/23, Writings of Baal HaSulam “What Is, ‘A Habit Becomes a Second Nature,’ in the Work?”

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