Creator’s Gift

624.02This is similar to one who wants to build a house. He goes to an engineer to make a work-plan for him. Then, who has to pay? Is it the engineer to the person who received the work-plan or does the person pay the engineer for giving him a work-plan by which he can build himself a house? Clearly, the person pays the engineer (Rabash, Article 29 (1989). “What Is the Preparation to Receive the Torah in the Work? -2”).

Question: According to this example, can we buy a Torah? What is the charge for it?

Answer: We have to pay for the Torah with our egoism. When we fully wish to part with it, it means that we want to buy the Torah instead.

Receiving the Torah is called giving because it cannot be acquired otherwise but through the action of bestowal. I ask the Creator to correct me, and I receive from Him a gift, light, the force to be above my egoism.
From the 1st part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 11/3/23, Writings of Rabash “What Is the Preparation to Receive the Torah in the Work? -2“

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