Spiritual Mother

275Question: What is collective Malchut?

Answer: The collective Malchut is where we are born and begin to develop. That is our common desire, our spiritual mother. The approximation to it starts with our connection.

Question: What is the difference between the collective Malchut and the feeling of our connection in the ten?

Answer: By feeling the collective Malchut, we begin to feel the whole creation, in what state it is and what it should be to get closer to the Creator.

Question: How do you act in the ten to direct yourself to the collective Malchut?

Answer: Get closer to your friends—nothing else. And as you get closer to them, you will receive from them more and more of different awakenings.
From the 1st part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 11/5/23, Writings of Rabash “What Is, ‘A Ladder Is Set on the Earth, and Its Top Reaches Heaven,’ in the Work?“

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