Who Will Help if not the Friends

934There is one main question: How can a person help himself get out of a descent? In fact, a trusted remedy that saves us in the most difficult conditions is the help of a friend. The friend is at the same degree, the same level, and in the same nature as me.

And if I am not able to save myself and rise from the state of falling, then I can do it with the help of a friend. When a friend connects with me, he can add strength, energy, and awakening to me, and thus save me.

Therefore, if we want to advance and climb the spiritual steps higher and higher, then we have the only means, which are to look for friends so that together with them, by helping each other, we can ascend into the spiritual.

There is no one to expect help from, except friends. The main thing is to support each other and hope that friends will help. In fact, the whole system is built in such a way that we must unite and move forward together. Therefore we have no other option but to help one another. We will all unite, and the greater the connection, the greater the ascent, the higher and higher we rise toward the goal of creation.
It turns out that it is possible to climb the spiritual ladder only to the extent that we unite and help each other.

It is necessary to understand that by helping a friend, I am actually helping myself. By wanting to give strength to a friend, to help him climb his spiritual degrees, I raise myself up. With the help of “they helped every one his friend,” we can rise higher and higher.

Once the final goal is reached, everyone connects with everyone, and everyone incorporates into a friend and a friend into him, and we all turn into a system similar to the first man, Adam HaRishon. But the power of this system, this Adam, becomes 620 times greater than what it was before.

Due to the fact that the Creator created this system and then broke us, He gave us the opportunity to connect above our egoism. And when we overcome our separation, our egoism, we raise ourselves to the peak of human existence 620 times higher than the one we had at the beginning of creation.

Therefore the more we connect and interconnect with each other, starting with a ten and then wider and wider, we get much closer to the final correction and eventually we will achieve it.
From the 1st part of the Lesson of the International Kabbalistic Convention “Opening Hearts” 10/01/23, Lesson 3 “Overcoming the Burdening of the Heart”

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