Strengthen Your Thoughts

944Question: Can we choose which of our thoughts to follow?

Answer: In general, yes. We choose, sort, and strengthen our thoughts with our connection.

That is, you should have extra confidence based on the fact that you are in a group, and everyone is interested in gathering in one single force, in one single opinion, and in a single aim toward a single goal. Then it is called a group.

Question: How do we strengthen this confidence among friends?

Answer: There are many articles by Baal HaSulam and Rabash about this.

We need to talk to each other, encourage each other, and in order to manage this, we appoint a person in charge every day to awaken the friends.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 10/11/12, “Reinforcing Ourselves with There Is None Else Besides Him”

Related Material:
What Thoughts Are We Interested In?
Thoughts and Desires Bind Together
A Storage of Thoughts and Desires

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