Physical Congress – Spiritual Unity

947Question: What should be the perception of the physical group when we try to connect the three components: me, the group, and the Creator?

Answer: There is no physical group! In no way are you in a physical group!

What difference does it make who is where and at what distance from each other?! Do we have to sniff each other like dogs, or do we have to touch each other? What for?!

We rise above our senses. Why should I care what you look like and in general who and what you are?!

Of course we must have some initial common opportunities for exchanging desires, properties, and information. There has to be something there to start this process.

But when we begin this movement and exit the framework of our corporeal sensation, we yearn toward the general structure that we want to create from our inclinations to ascend, to find the meaning of life, and so on. And then that is it, it no longer matters who is who.

We see that people all over the world are studying with us: from Chile, Mexico, North America, England, Romania, Russia, etc.

During these days before the congress we will see 1,500 to 2,000 people here.

There is no stronger convention in the world than ours where people from all countries come here! They come to do serious work! This is amazing!
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Spiritual Dollars” 11/29/11

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