The Difference Between A Congress And The Daily Lesson

laitman_284.05A kenes (convention) is a kinus (gathering) where we want to be in the sensation of a single system, and the feeling of that gathering depends on the extent to which each one gives strength to it and acts in connection for everyone, then everyone receives the reward from that. I don’t think the daily lesson covers the congress, both in terms of the quantity and quality of people participating, and also in terms of us not scrutinizing the things as we do in a congress. In a congress, we act only in a positive way to increasingly awaken unity, whereas in our daily lessons, we have the line of criticism. That is the main difference between a lesson and a congress.

Other than that, in a congress, there is a gathering in quantity, not just quality. You have many people gathering together for two to three days in an effort. We will see how we can activate that effort in a virtual congress. On one hand, there is this direction to connect, and on the other hand, it is all more internal and virtual.

It is all organized to us from above where according to what we learn now—what is true connection, where is it, where do we measure it—we also see that it comes to us from above where we even don’t understand exactly what a virtual congress is. Until we reach it, we see exactly it is specifically suited to our state more than a physical congress.1
From the 1st part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 9/10/18, “The Month of Elul And Rosh HaShanah
1 Minute 0:00 – 0:05

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