In the Time of Difficult Trials

239Question: Are the things that are happening purposefully intended for the global Bnei Baruch or for the people of Israel or for the whole world?

Answer: For everyone to the extent that everyone participates in the world movement and its development.

All of humanity is connected in one will to receive that gradually undergoes its transformation, a change from the will to receive to the will to bestow under the influence of the Creator.

Therefore I cannot imagine any state other than to be connected with each other and in turning to the Creator, to convince Him to change our intentions to bestowal, to love, and to connection.

Question: Let us assume that we, Bnei Baruch, like good children, behave correctly and unite in the required way. How can we imagine this correct connection?

Answer: As a state where the entire world group is being included into the Creator.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 10/9/23, “Growing Stronger in There Is None Else Besides Him”

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