Hold on, We Are Coming to Save You!

294.4Question: We have 1,300 dead, and a lot of prisoners and missing people. This is a terrible grief for loved ones and for the entire country. Once upon a time, the release of one prisoner was the concern of the whole country. Today we are talking about hundreds of people.

They are in constant fear. At the same time, they are in hope, powerlessness, and prayer, and they are kept somewhere under the ground in inhuman conditions. What would you tell them?

Answer: Hold on, we are coming to save you! Your main task is to hold out. Do not think about anything else.

Question: But you do understand that in this case hope with every passing day …?

Answer: Never mind. The Creator is above this.

Question: Are you saying that they should turn to the Creator at this moment?

Answer: Yes, they should turn to the Creator, and we should turn to the Creator so that this connection would be real.

Question: Tell me, what should our thoughts be about the prisoners? What should be our thoughts, the thoughts of the entire country, the leadership of the country, and the ones responsible for all this?

Answer: We need to save them, save our people who are being held captive somewhere, and do everything to ensure that they return home.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 10/16/23

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